Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Country Research

Grade 6 students are beginning their country research projects this week. They remember coming to see these projects last year and are very excited to get started on their own. Today they received their country and group assignments and we will begin research tomorrow. This will be a month-long process and will end with a presentation that parents will be invited to attend. The date is still TBA, but will likely be in the last week of November.

The Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus
In an effort to teach students how to discern between reliable and unreliable sources while using the internet for research, I showed students a very "reliable" looking website about the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus. Many students agreed that it was a great website and a great source for information... until they learned that there is no such thing as a tree octopus! Check out the website, it's quite entertaining:

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