Monday, October 15, 2012

It's Study Time!

It may seem like cruel and unusual punishment for students to have so many quizzes and tests in the next week or so, but this just happens to be the time of year when units tend to wrap up and concepts need to be reviewed. As teachers, we don't purposely schedule them all at the same time, honest!

Because grade 6 students have so many quizzes/tests in the near future, it is a good time to go over study skills both in class and at home. Students often finish homework during class time and then think they are done, or don't think they need to study anymore. I am encouraging students to take work home and go over it to make sure they could do it again. They should also study any notes they have taken during class, especially for math.

Check out the Assignments/Reminders link to find out more information about each test and quiz, including the dates and content being covered.

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