Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Math Madness!

As you may have noticed, many grade six students cringe at the thought of doing math! Before even starting a lesson, many students have already decided that they will not understand and therefore will never be successful in math. It is my goal this year to change some of these attitudes. So often the key to success in math is simply having confidence in their own abilities.

One of the biggest struggles I have noticed so far this year is that students have a hard time understanding new concepts when they still don't have a firm understanding of the basics. Here at ACMS we have decided that we want to focus on multiplication in grade 6 and make sure that they have a firm understanding of basic multiplication facts. We will continue with the regular curriculum, but I plan to add some extra multiplication practice here and there throughout the week.

This is an area where parent support is essential! If students have opportunities to practice multiplication at home, I believe it will make math class a much more positive time for them at school. To help with this, I have provided a website for students to use at home as a way to practice. It provides many great ways for students to learn and remember their multiplication facts, and then to practice them with fun games.

Please encourage your child to "play" on this website for a few minutes each night, or as often as possible.

Thank you for your support in this!

Multiplication Website:

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