Monday, November 5, 2012

Decimals AND Division?!

These are the two "D" words that students love to hate! We are midway through our decimals unit and today we began with the new concept of dividing decimals by whole numbers. Many students responded negatively to the thought of doing division, but it is my hope that after this unit they will not see dividing as such a scary thing.

The homework for tonight might seem difficult for many students, and that is OK. I urged them to take it home and work on it for about 20 - 30 minutes and just see what they can accomplish. Tomorrow we will have more time to work through this concept together. Students will find that once they remember long division procedures, applying it to decimals is really quite simple!

Country Research Update:

Our socials time this week and next week will be dedicated to research both online and with books. Students will likely need to do some of their research at home, so please see the "homework/reminders" link to find more information about good resources. I prefer that students do not use Google search or Wikipedia for this.

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