Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Math -
Students seemed to do well on the Math test today. I hope to have them marked by the end of the week. Due to the test, students have no math homework tonight!

Theme -
Students are hard at work on their country presentations. Things are starting to come together and the kiosks are looking great. Students are excited to show off their work, so please consider joining us for the Cultural Fair next Wednesday, November 27 from 1:15 to 2:30 if you are able.

Art -
Students are learning to draw 3-D objects and integrate them in a scene of their choice. It must include a building, a cliff, and a bridge of some type. They only had one class period to work on these, so you might see them at home :)

Just a reminder that our VSO field trip is on Friday. We leave at 9:45 am and students are expected to dress nicely. No sweatpants, sweatshirts, old t-shirts, or ripped jeans.

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