We had a Remembrance Day chapel this morning, which was conducted by one of the grade 7 classes. They did a wonderful job of helping us remember the importance of this day. We often look at it as just a time to relax and enjoy the day off, so it was good to spend time thinking about all those who have sacrificed their lives to help us live so comfortably.
It was obvious the grade 7 class spent a lot of time on this presentation. From poems, to songs and powerpoint presentations, they provided many ways for us to reflect and to be informed about some of the tragic wars that have happened in the past, as well as some of the conflict that is still happening all over the world.
Some of the presentations showed a few somewhat graphic pictures of malnurished children and child soldiers. The class used these pictures tactfully. It was not used for shock value, but rather to remind us of the struggles so many people face in our world. We had a discussion about some of these images when we came back to class, but it is possible that this might come up in conversation at home.
I hope you enjoy the long weekend and are able to spend some relaxation time with family and friends!
This famous poem was a central theme for chapel today.