Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Hard at work

Time to present!

Middle East





Middle East



Culture Fair

It was quite an exciting day here in grade 6. In the morning students had the opportunity to present their projects to the class. I was so impressed by their willingness to speak in front of their peers, especially at this age! It was incredibly encouraging to see how much they have learned over the past few months about our world, cultures, and their own individual countries, and it was great to see everything come together so well after so much hard work. Many students truly seem to have gained an understanding of what it means to live in one world with many cultures.

Thanks to all who were able to make it today! It was cool to see students so excited about presenting to each other's parents as well as their own.

I am hoping to post pictures soon!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Hard at Work!

Aside from Bible and PE, students worked on their Culture Fair projects all day today! They spent the morning making sure the presentation boards were completed. Students finished coloring, printing, and cutting and added a few last details to make their displays look great! They spent most of the afternoon working on their cue cards, and then working with their groups. Each group practiced the presentation a couple of times to make sure they know what to say and when to say it. It looks like they will need more time tomorrow to really perfect their presentations and be ready to go for Wednesday! We hope to see you there!

Friday, November 23, 2012


Our trip to Vancouver went very well today! Traffic was good so we arrived with plenty of time to spare, though many of us suffered the consequences of not wearing a hood on a very rainy morning! Once inside we were warm and dry and students were amazed by the size and beauty of the Orpheum. The Orchestra gave an outstanding performance! Students learned all about percussion instruments and had many opportunities to participate with the songs. The favorites were Star Wars and the theme from Mission Impossible. The trip back went smooth and we all arrived safely.

Please note the assignments that students need to work on over the weekend. Details are on the link to assignments/reminders on the right side of this page.

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Special thanks go out to all students from 6A who helped me celebrate American Thanksgiving today! Since I am from the states, the students decided to help me celebrate by decorating the room, bringing snacks, and organizing a coloring contest! It was a lot of fun and I truly appreciated the thoughtfulness that went into it. It's always good to spend some time thinking about the many ways we have been blessed and all of the things we can be thankful for. Today I am thankful for a wonderful, fun, and loving group of students to spend my days with :)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Math -
Students seemed to do well on the Math test today. I hope to have them marked by the end of the week. Due to the test, students have no math homework tonight!

Theme -
Students are hard at work on their country presentations. Things are starting to come together and the kiosks are looking great. Students are excited to show off their work, so please consider joining us for the Cultural Fair next Wednesday, November 27 from 1:15 to 2:30 if you are able.

Art -
Students are learning to draw 3-D objects and integrate them in a scene of their choice. It must include a building, a cliff, and a bridge of some type. They only had one class period to work on these, so you might see them at home :)

Just a reminder that our VSO field trip is on Friday. We leave at 9:45 am and students are expected to dress nicely. No sweatpants, sweatshirts, old t-shirts, or ripped jeans.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Math Bingo!

For some reason students really enjoyed math today...

We reviewed for the test in class by playing Math Bingo! Students had to solve problems to find the correct solution on their Bingo card. Every student who got a Bingo recieved a jolly rancher. Many students were able to finish the problems quickly, so part of the game was that they had to help another student without giving the answer. I was very impressed by their willingness to help and ask students good questions to help them find the answer on their own.

Culture Test

Students received a review sheet for the culture test they will take next week which will be a culmination of all the major concepts we've talked about in our One World, Many Cultures unit. Students are expected to make flash cards of all the vocabulary words and complete the questions on the review sheet as well. The test is on Tuesday, November 27.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Culture Art

Students from all three grade 6 classes turned in their culture art projects today and I was very impressed by their finished work. Students had the opportunity to choose from 5 different types of art for this project. Each type of art was an example of traditional art created in a few different cultures. Each culture has a unique way of doing art which demonstrates different aspects from their way of life such as clothing, food, and other resources.
Mexican Yarn Art

Through this project, students learned a little bit about a different culture and gained an understanding of what art represents for many groups of people. This created opportunities for students to make connections to our "One World, Many Cultures" unit. It is my hope that students are beginning to grasp the big idea behind this integrated unit; that even though we are part of a world filled with many different types of people, we are still united as one in God's creation.

Khamsas - Good Luck Hands

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Remembrance Day Chapel

We had a Remembrance Day chapel this morning, which was conducted by one of the grade 7 classes. They did a wonderful job of helping us remember the importance of this day. We often look at it as just a time to relax and enjoy the day off, so it was good to spend time thinking about all those who have sacrificed their lives to help us live so comfortably.

It was obvious the grade 7 class spent a lot of time on this presentation. From poems, to songs and powerpoint presentations, they provided many ways for us to reflect and to be informed about some of the tragic wars that have happened in the past, as well as some of the conflict that is still happening all over the world.

Some of the presentations showed a few somewhat graphic pictures of malnurished children and child soldiers. The class used these pictures tactfully. It was not used for shock value, but rather to remind us of the struggles so many people face in our world. We had a discussion about some of these images when we came back to class, but it is possible that this might come up in conversation at home.

I hope you enjoy the long weekend and are able to spend some relaxation time with family and friends!

This famous poem was a central theme for chapel today.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Decimals AND Division?!

These are the two "D" words that students love to hate! We are midway through our decimals unit and today we began with the new concept of dividing decimals by whole numbers. Many students responded negatively to the thought of doing division, but it is my hope that after this unit they will not see dividing as such a scary thing.

The homework for tonight might seem difficult for many students, and that is OK. I urged them to take it home and work on it for about 20 - 30 minutes and just see what they can accomplish. Tomorrow we will have more time to work through this concept together. Students will find that once they remember long division procedures, applying it to decimals is really quite simple!

Country Research Update:

Our socials time this week and next week will be dedicated to research both online and with books. Students will likely need to do some of their research at home, so please see the "homework/reminders" link to find more information about good resources. I prefer that students do not use Google search or Wikipedia for this.