Friday, September 21, 2012

We had a great Friday in 6A!
Students ran the school loop with the other grade 6 classes in PE today. They had some extra time to play 4-way soccer at the end.
Chapel was spent as a time of worship with the fantastic grade 8 worship team. We also that the opportunity to hear from classes who went on their first service learning project this week. Our class is very excited for our first service day on October 2 (more info to come!)

Students learned about factor trees in math today, and how to find prime factors of numbers. This concept is a bit of a struggle for some students, but we will have more time to practice on Monday and Tuesday. The math quiz will be on Wednesday, and it will be over the big ideas we have covered so far in Unit 2: Large numbers (standard and expanded form), Multiples, Factors, and Prime and Composite Numbers. Students will receive a study sheet on Monday and we will have time to review in class on both Monday and Tuesday.
For more information about specific assignments and our Chinatown field trip, please go to the Homework/Reminders and Events links on the right side of the page.
Have a great weekend!


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