Friday, September 28, 2012


We had a wonderful time in Chinatown today! The weather was great and students seemed to really enjoy seeing (and smelling!) things that some of them have not experienced before. Overall it seemed to be a very positive experience for both the kids and the adults. When we arrived back at school everyone was excited to tell stories about the different things they witnessed throughout the day.

Thanks so much to all of the parents who volunteered to spend the day with us and lead groups of students around Chinatown. Your time and help in keeping track of all the kids was extremely valuable and much appreciated. We truly could not have done it without you.

We only had about 15 minutes in our classroom at the end of the day, so we did not have time to upload photos on to my computer. Students will need all of the pictures they took for some assignments they will work on next week. If your child used a camera in Chinatown, please remind them to bring it back on Monday so we can save all of their pictures on a school computer.

Pictures will be posted on the blog next week! Have a wonderful weekend.

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