We had a wonderful time in Chinatown today! The weather was great and students seemed to really enjoy seeing (and smelling!) things that some of them have not experienced before. Overall it seemed to be a very positive experience for both the kids and the adults. When we arrived back at school everyone was excited to tell stories about the different things they witnessed throughout the day.
Thanks so much to all of the parents who volunteered to spend the day with us and lead groups of students around Chinatown. Your time and help in keeping track of all the kids was extremely valuable and much appreciated. We truly could not have done it without you.
We only had about 15 minutes in our classroom at the end of the day, so we did not have time to upload photos on to my computer. Students will need all of the pictures they took for some assignments they will work on next week. If your child used a camera in Chinatown, please remind them to bring it back on Monday so we can save all of their pictures on a school computer.
Pictures will be posted on the blog next week! Have a wonderful weekend.
Friday, September 28, 2012
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
We have had a great start to the week here in 6A. With two quizzes and Chinatown on Friday, it seems like quite a busy week!

Students took their Canada Map Quiz today. For the most part it seemed to go quite well. I will hand these back within the next couple days.
We spent our math time studying for the quiz tomorrow. Students had the opportunity to review what they have learned by writing their own quizzes and then switching with a friend to take each other's quiz. This was a great chance for students to think about what they know and to correct misconceptions. Students also had time to work at 3 different stations, each that focused on practicing a different concept from this unit.
Students took their Canada Map Quiz today. For the most part it seemed to go quite well. I will hand these back within the next couple days.
We spent our math time studying for the quiz tomorrow. Students had the opportunity to review what they have learned by writing their own quizzes and then switching with a friend to take each other's quiz. This was a great chance for students to think about what they know and to correct misconceptions. Students also had time to work at 3 different stations, each that focused on practicing a different concept from this unit.
Friday, September 21, 2012
We had a great Friday in 6A!
Students ran the school loop with the other grade 6 classes in PE today. They had some extra time to play 4-way soccer at the end.
Chapel was spent as a time of worship with the fantastic grade 8 worship team. We also that the opportunity to hear from classes who went on their first service learning project this week. Our class is very excited for our first service day on October 2 (more info to come!)
For more information about specific assignments and our Chinatown field trip, please go to the Homework/Reminders and Events links on the right side of the page.
Have a great weekend!
Monday, September 3, 2012
Welcome to the 6A class blog!
It is my hope that this blog will be used as a means of communication between myself, students, and parents. My goal is to frequently post pictures and journal entries about the fun and exciting learning opportunities that happen in 6A throughout the year.
I will also post information about homework assignments, tests, quizzes, projects, and upcoming events. This information will be available through the links on the right side of the page.
As I look ahead I am very excited about what this year will bring! We begin with our first integrated unit entitled "One World, Many Cultures," where students will discover what it means to live in a world filled with many different people of many different backgrounds and beliefs. Students will have the opportunity to explore the cultures of various countries and ethnic groups, as well as the idea that despite our differences, we are all united as one through God's creation.
It is my hope that this blog will be used as a means of communication between myself, students, and parents. My goal is to frequently post pictures and journal entries about the fun and exciting learning opportunities that happen in 6A throughout the year.
As I look ahead I am very excited about what this year will bring! We begin with our first integrated unit entitled "One World, Many Cultures," where students will discover what it means to live in a world filled with many different people of many different backgrounds and beliefs. Students will have the opportunity to explore the cultures of various countries and ethnic groups, as well as the idea that despite our differences, we are all united as one through God's creation.
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