It was great to see all of the students back in class today! It sounds like everyone had wonderful holidays, and for the most part seemed very positive about being back in school.
In this new year, we are beginning many new things in grade 6. Today we started a new unit in Math, called Patterns and Equations. Even though it is the first unit in the textbook, it includes some pretty challenging concepts which is why we, as a grade 6 team, decided to hold off on it until this late in the year. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about the content. Students know that they only need to spend 20-30 minutes on Math homework each night. If they are confused, please encourage them to come talk to me.
It's hard to believe that the Presentation of Learning Night is only 3 weeks away! All of the grade 6 students will perform their Fractured Fairytales that evening, so we will be spending all of our Fine Arts time practicing the plays and creating their costumes and props. Students are encouraged to bring anything from home that might help them create items for their plays.
In Science, students will continue to learn about Extreme Environments, now with a focus on outer space and the technologies that Canada has developed for space exploration. In the near furture students will begin a projects where they will have to plan a trip to an extreme environmnet of their choice!
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