Friday, June 21, 2013

Last Day!

It is truly unbelievable that this year has already come to a close. We have made so many great memories in 6A this year and I will truly miss each and every one of my students! They will always be especially dear to my heart since they were my first class.

We had a fantastic last day here at ACMS. We started the day off with an awesome Chapel, where our class performed with their guitars. After the Science quiz and the usual last day clean-up responsibilities, we spent the afternoon looking through pictures taken throughout the year and playing board games. Take a look at the pictures below!


Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Check it out!

Students are creating some fun things in Art and Math this week. Take a look!

In Math, students are learning about transformations. To apply what they have learned, they created quilt blocks using translations, rotations, and reflections of different shapes. Here are some of the finished ones:

 In Art, students had the opportunity to create something out of clay just for fun. I was so impressed by the results! Here are just a few:


Wednesday, June 5, 2013


We started an Electricity unit this week and students have had some "shocking" experiences already! :) I brought in a Van de graaf generator from the high school to help explain static electricity, and we got some great pictures of students having fun with it. Take a look!