Monday, February 25, 2013


Our class lead chapel for the entire school last Friday and it went very well! As a class, we decided to act out Horton Hears a Who. We have anti-bulling day at school this Wednesday, and we thought the message "a person's a person no matter how small,"  created a good connection and reminder for what the day is all about.

Horton and the mean Kangaroo

"A person's a person no matter how small!"

The Wickersham Brothers
Mayor of Whoville


Vlad Vlad-i-koff

The people of Whoville


Rice Raiser Stories

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today students had the opportunity to learn about microscopes from Grade 11 Biology students! After lunch we went over to a science lab at the highschool where students were put into small groups with a Grade 11 buddy. They learned about the different parts of a microscope, as well as proper usage and care. Then they each had the opportunity to scrape off some of their own cheek cells and look at them under a microscope! They also looked at onion cells as well as strands of hair. It was a great experience for all. The students were amazed that they could see all of the different organelles in a cell straight from their own mouth.



Wednesday, February 20, 2013

"Kitchen Cells"

Yesterday, students enjoyed leaerning more about the structure and function of organelles by making cells out of various food items. Take a look!

Monday, February 18, 2013

"Cells, Cells, They're Made of Organelles!"

In our Diversity of Life Science Unit, students have begun learning about cells, as well as the structure and function of the organelles inside them. I showed the class a "rap" on youtube that helps explain what is in a cell, and it has become a hit in the class. Some students looked it up over the weekend to try to memorize the lines and it has it has already caused a few dance parties in class. It's great to hear students rapping "cells, cells, they're made of organelles" in the hallway. Feel free to check it out, just click the link below!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

"Breakfast Math"

I hope everyone enjoyed BC's first Family Day! It sounds like it was a much appreciated break for everyone.

It was very quiet in the Grade 6 hallway today with only 18 students present due to the boys and girls basketball tournament. In an effort to educate students about Shrove Tuesday and integrate some math from our fractions unit, the students at school participated in a pancake breakfast! With so many students away we thought it would be a great opportunity to learn about something outside of typical curriculum and to encourage community building.

Congratulations to the girls' basketball team on placing 5th in your tournament! It sounds like they had a great day. I'm looking forward to hearing from the boys tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

A Break from Drama...

In light of our amazing POL night and all of the work students did for Drama class, I have decided to take a break from Drama this week. Since Fine Arts consists of both Art and Drama, we are using this week to spend some more time with Art, which we've missed out on for the past few weeks.

Students are using National Geographic magazines to create collages of an extreme environment that they have been learning about in Science. Everyone seems to be enjoying the peace and quiet of cutting and gluing!