Monday, December 17, 2012


Today we had a good start to our last week before break. I can tell that it is going to take some effort to really push hard to the end, but I know students can handle it! Many students were feeling run-down today and possibly feeling the effects of the cold and flu that has been going around. We had one grade 6 class with only 14 students today!

Language Arts - Students had their last opportunity to work on their Fractured Fairytale scripts in class today. They are due tomorrow. It is important that students hand these in on time because I will need to read through them all and choose 4 or 5 that will work for the students to act out for the Presentation of Learning Night in January. I am really emphasizing the importance of doing quality work with these, especially if they want their fairytale to be chosen.

Math - We had our last lesson for Unit 4 today on finding the measures of angles in a quadrilateral. Students will receive a review packet tomorrow to help them study for their test on Friday.


Science - Students are continuing to learn about various extreme environments such as space, caves, volcanos, deserts, and Antarctica. They are also discovering the technologies humans need in order to survive and explore in these environments.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Fractured Fairytales

In Language Arts and Drama we are beginning a new unit about fractured fairytales. Fractured fairytales are traditional fairytales that writers have changed in some way to put a twist on the story. Some of the fractured fairytales we have read in class are "Snoring Beauty," "The Three Little Wolves and the Big Bad Pig," and "Cinder-Edna."

Students have had the opportunity to read some fractured fairytales, and today they started brainstorming ideas for writing their own fractured fairytale. This week students will have time to write their fairytales in the form of a script. After Christmas break a few of the fairytales will be chosen to be used in drama. Students will work together to decide on roles, practice their lines, come up with costumes and props, and eventually perform their skits for the Presentation of Learning Night in January.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Skating and Christmas Music

We had lots of fun things going on at school today! In the morning, all of grade 6 took a bus to ARC to go ice skating. We had a few minor cuts and bruises, but other than that students seemed to have a blast. It was a great opportunity to get out and have some fun together.

This afternoon we were blessed with the opportunity to watch Shane Wiebe perform some Christmas music with his wife. Shane was a Canadian Idol finalist and has an incredible singing voice, and is also a very talented pianist. His wife is also an amazing singer and violinist. They seemed excited about the opportunity to perform at a Christian school where they could be open about their faith and share a bit of a message.

Now that things have quieted down a bit after the Culture Fair, I am excited to get started with our Science unit on Extreme Environments. We will begin this unit tomorrow and it will continue through January. Students will have the opportunity to think about why we explore the world around us, as well as learn some of the characteristics of extreme environments like deserts, caves, deep sea, and outer space.